Welcome Warriors, Kits, Apprentices, Elders, Queens, Rouges, and Loners

Welcome to StreamClan, a clan of strength, wisdom, agility, and trust

Friday, November 18, 2011

Adventures 4

(u peeps are probably like FINNALLY! sorry ppls this is a hard world)
"The camp is really coming together," says Thunderstorm to his mate. Leafstar dips head." It is, and most everyone is healed as well," replies Leafstar.  -they think it is going to be alright and everything is staying calm but they don't know what is coming-  "Leafstar! I must speak to you!" Lilyflower yowls as she races into camp. "very well, come into my den, Flamebreeze come as well," replies Leafstar as Lilyflower pads into the large cavarn, "well? what is it Lilyflower?". "Well, as you know, I just came back from the Halfmoon Medicne Cat Gathering. I dreamed that StarClan was fighting a bloody war against no one that i saw, a supposedly dying cat looked up at me and sqeaked out the words "Get.. help....." and it died. through the midst of the battling cats Flamingstar padded out and had a sad look on his face and said  "from the river, to the sun, the shadows will try to take over, do not let them, or all will perish, tell my deputy this and let her travel to the moonpool, on her own. She will expirence something u cannot speak of ever" and then i woke up," says Lilyflower. "Oh Flamingstar, why must you be so confusing!?" says Leafstar as she looks at the sky," very well i shall travel to the moonpool at evening. Meanwhile..," steps out side and calls clan together, " We have 3 apprentices ready to be warriors. Emberpaw, Lightpaw, and Sagepaw plz stepforward." all 3 step forward. "Mentors are they ready?" asks Leafstar. Mentors nod. "good, Emberpaw step forward." says Leafstar. Emberpaw steps forward. "Do you, Emberpaw, agree to follow the warrior code and serve this clan even to the death?" asks Leafstar. "I do," replies Emberpaw. "Then by the powers of StarClan, from this point forward you shall be known as Embertail, Lightpaw step forward plz," says Leafstar. Leader and new warrior dip heads to each other, Lightpaw steps forward. "Lightpaw, do you promise to follow the warrior code and serve this clan even at the cost of your life?" asks Leafstar. "I do," replies Lightpaw. "Then from this moment forward you shall be known as Lightsun," Leafstar dips head and Lightsun nods back. Sagepaw steps forward when asked to. " do you Sagepaw promise to follow the warrior code and serve this clan even at the cost of your life?" asks Leafstar (i am sick of typing this XD). "I do," replies Sagepaw. "Then from this moment forward you shall be known as Sageleaf," both dip heads.
Embertail, Embertail! Lightsun, Lightsun! Sageleaf, Sageleaf!


Dahlia said...

*Goldenstream pads up to the new warriors* Congratulations! Have fun sitting on vigil tonight. *She runs over to Leafstar, who has a puzzled look on her face* "What's wrong Leafstar?" she asked quietly.


Zoraz/Flamebreeze said...

*Pads over to the leader, flicking his ears*


Aleta said...

*starts to head towards the moonpool but hears Goldenstream and Flamebreeze ask whats wrong* There seems to be a disturbance and StarClan would like me to speak with them *turns back around a walks off but calls back to them saying..."i will be back by morning and do not follow me