Welcome Warriors, Kits, Apprentices, Elders, Queens, Rouges, and Loners

Welcome to StreamClan, a clan of strength, wisdom, agility, and trust

Sunday, April 9, 2017


Why hello viewers! This blog is inactive right now so if you're wondering why nobody is replying to anything now ya know! If you're a newcomer (or an oldcomer looking to reminisce) and are interested in getting the blog going again, you can email me at brooksballet@gmail.com, which is the  (ancient) gmail I have connected to this blog. It will alert me wayyyy faster than the like once a year check up I do on this internet gremlin of a blog lol. Also I made this blog when I was like 12 so just pretend anything cringeworthy doesn't exist... Have a nice day!!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

A New Beginning

       This clan has lasted through many hardships. Many battles against badgers, several other packs, and even battles within the clan. Warriors jealous of their clanmates, even killing others to get what they wanted. The murder of many warriors and even a few leaders. Hunts to find prey, killers, and lost clanmates. The fear of being entirely extinct whether it be because of other clans or famine. They have been through fires and floods. But they have also been through good things such as triumph, prosperity, and love.
       This clan has lasted through it all. The distress and anger will only make us stronger. This clan has prevailed. This clan has lived.
This clan has survived

Friday, May 4, 2012

Adventures 5

(once again finnally)
*pads into moonpool cavarn and lays down. Is instantly transported into a dream* Looks into a field with blood stained grass and sad cats looking up as she enters. The cats are helping injured or sitting vigil for the dead and fading StarClan cats. Flamingstar pads out of the mist. "Hello Leafstar," says Flamingstar grimly, "I'm glad you have come, follow me." Both pad into a large cave. "This is a most urgent time, the Drak Forest has begun to attack us. And I'm afraid things are not going to stay well in the clans. The DarkForest's attacks are causing trouble in nature and disasters are garunteed," he said. "Oh no, we just recovered from the badger attack, now this!" hissed Leafstar, "Those mangy flea pelts! What can I do to help?" "I'm afraid not much. After all, not everyone can head to This world by just falling asleep anywhere. And the cavern with the moonpool would probably only fit a little more than a clan. Not to mention kits and those unable to fight would be in danger," sadly replied Flamingstar. "I WILL figure something out, I can't just let everyone die," replied Leafstar. "Very w..." said Flamingstar before Leafstar was suddenly awakend. "Leafstar, Leafstar, I'm so sorry but the CloudClan has disappeared! The entire CloudClan!" exclaimed Embertail. *Leafstar sighs*  "Well, the gathering is tommorrow, I'm sure there will be something about it," sighed Leafstar. Both pad towards camp. When they got back the clan went to sleep after Leafstar told of their predicment. Then Leafstar smelled it.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Adventures 4

(u peeps are probably like FINNALLY! sorry ppls this is a hard world)
"The camp is really coming together," says Thunderstorm to his mate. Leafstar dips head." It is, and most everyone is healed as well," replies Leafstar.  -they think it is going to be alright and everything is staying calm but they don't know what is coming-  "Leafstar! I must speak to you!" Lilyflower yowls as she races into camp. "very well, come into my den, Flamebreeze come as well," replies Leafstar as Lilyflower pads into the large cavarn, "well? what is it Lilyflower?". "Well, as you know, I just came back from the Halfmoon Medicne Cat Gathering. I dreamed that StarClan was fighting a bloody war against no one that i saw, a supposedly dying cat looked up at me and sqeaked out the words "Get.. help....." and it died. through the midst of the battling cats Flamingstar padded out and had a sad look on his face and said  "from the river, to the sun, the shadows will try to take over, do not let them, or all will perish, tell my deputy this and let her travel to the moonpool, on her own. She will expirence something u cannot speak of ever" and then i woke up," says Lilyflower. "Oh Flamingstar, why must you be so confusing!?" says Leafstar as she looks at the sky," very well i shall travel to the moonpool at evening. Meanwhile..," steps out side and calls clan together, " We have 3 apprentices ready to be warriors. Emberpaw, Lightpaw, and Sagepaw plz stepforward." all 3 step forward. "Mentors are they ready?" asks Leafstar. Mentors nod. "good, Emberpaw step forward." says Leafstar. Emberpaw steps forward. "Do you, Emberpaw, agree to follow the warrior code and serve this clan even to the death?" asks Leafstar. "I do," replies Emberpaw. "Then by the powers of StarClan, from this point forward you shall be known as Embertail, Lightpaw step forward plz," says Leafstar. Leader and new warrior dip heads to each other, Lightpaw steps forward. "Lightpaw, do you promise to follow the warrior code and serve this clan even at the cost of your life?" asks Leafstar. "I do," replies Lightpaw. "Then from this moment forward you shall be known as Lightsun," Leafstar dips head and Lightsun nods back. Sagepaw steps forward when asked to. " do you Sagepaw promise to follow the warrior code and serve this clan even at the cost of your life?" asks Leafstar (i am sick of typing this XD). "I do," replies Sagepaw. "Then from this moment forward you shall be known as Sageleaf," both dip heads.
Embertail, Embertail! Lightsun, Lightsun! Sageleaf, Sageleaf!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Adventures Continued...

 -Bellaclaw- *bounces over to the entrance* come on guys! lets go! -All cats pad after her- -Bellaclaw- *pads in direction of Adder Stream that separates our territory from CloudClan (is that ok?)* "This is Adder Stream it seprates us from CloudClan an ally Clan (once again is tht all right?) -Waspwind- "whys it called "Adder Stream"?" -Bellaclaw- "as a matter of fact i was just about to say y" *points with tail over to Adder Rocks* "those are Adder Rocks, named after the adders that live there" -Waspwind- "...oh....."

   -Leafstar- *pads over to Jade* "it's good 2 see u again, how is Starlingflight?" -Jade- *looks up as Leafstar pads up* "huh? oh um... hes... moved on..... he hunts with StarClan now" -Leafstar- "oh Jade! why didnt u tell me?! u poor thing! (Jade is Leafstar's sister) -Jade- "calm down Leafstar im not dying from the pain of it! you know after he died, i relized u were right, he was a mousebrain and i was such a furball to think he would actually become my mate" -Leafstar- "i could never imagine how u feel right now... this must be some wierd feeling..." -Jade- "yea, yea its pretty odd to feel this way but ill get over it, hey want me to ask Flamebreeze if i can go on a patrol?" -Leafstar- "um sure if u want but i think hes sent out all the patrols" -Jade- "k"

    -Bellaclaw- "ok heres the lake which seperates all of the clans, well actually its in the middle of the clans..." -Brooklily- "ok, hey wait what is that on our territory? its huge! and... is... is it moving?" -Waspwind- "it looks like a huge black moving rock" -Bramblefire- "thats no rock, thats a badger, and looks like more have been here wed better go and warn Leafstar" -Bellaclaw- "Bramblefire, u go tell Leafstar and tell her to send some reinforcments and warn her of the badgers and hurry"

     -Jade- *is padding over to Flamebreeze when suddenly a huge black animal bursts through the fern screen* eek! *she couldnt resist the squeaking out because she new what this was, this was a badger, the thing that killed Starlingflight* -Flamebreeze- "STREAMCLAN ASSEMBLE BADGERS ATTACKING! LEAFSTAR THERE ARE BADGERS IN THE CAMP!!!!!!!!!!" -Leafstar- *comes running out of den and sees Bramblefire run in through the entrance* -Bramblefire- "NO! they got here already!" -Leafstar- *runs down to Bramblefire* "what do u mean they already got here?" -Bramblefire- "i came to warn u of badgers more on thier way we spotted them on our walk i got here as fast as i could, the others are fighting some by FernClan's territory -Leafstar- " ok thx" *leaps up on highstone* COPPERTAIL, DRAGONGAZE, JADE, PIERCECLAW, SHARPMOON, THUNDERSTORM, GOLDENSTREAM, AND STONESTREAK GO DOWN BY FERNCLAN'S TERRITORY AND HELP FIGHT ONCOMING BADGERS! NIGHTDAPPLE, GO AND ASK GOLDENSTAR FROM FERNCLAN TO HELP US FIGHT THE BADGERS! (http://fernclanwarriors.blogspot.com/this is the link can u actually ask her?)THE REST OF U FIGHT HERE! OH AND FLAMEBREEZE GO TO CLOUDCLAN AND ASK HER TO HELP IN CAMP PLZ (is tht kk? u can down turn the request if u want eden, and to Flamebreeze the link is http://cloud-mountains-clan-teehee.blogspot.com/) *leaps down onto a badger and claws it into shreds with anger*

    -Bellaclaw- " WE CANT TAKE THESE ALONE WHERE ARE THOSE REINFORCMENTS?!?!?!" -just as she said that the patrol appeard- -Nightdapple- *imediatly pounces on a badger* "COME ON U GUYS ATTACK!" - the others attack with comeplete anger and viciousness-


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Adventures (continued)

                 -Grasskit- "ok this is one of the more easy games, all you have to do is find the mouse that Rosefur buried for us by using your nose only and if someone has already gotten therethen u can play fight them to get the prey first, but no claws. then return the mouse bak to ur territory which is over there" *points with tail* "ok?" -Bluekit- *nods* "i think so"-Vinekit- "ON YOUR MARK! GET SET! GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" -Leafstar- *watchs kits play from the entrance to her den* "good the kits seem to be getting along well enough, i just hope the others are as well." *turns around and pads into den*

                   -Bellaclaw- "Leafstar?" -Leafstar- *pads out into a lighter part of her den* "come in" -Bellaclaw- "I was wondering if i could take the new warriors out to show them the entire territory" -Leafstar- "sure if you want, you can ask Emeraldeyes as well" -Bellaclaw- *cheerily* "ok! we'll be back soon!"

               -Brooklily and Waspwind- *simoltaniously* "What did she say?" -Bellaclaw- "she said sure! lets go ask the others" *the three pad up to Dustshadow and Nightdapple* -Bellaclaw- "hey guys! you wanna tour the territory with us?" -Dustshadow- "Sure" -Nightdapple- "i dont see why not seeing as i have nothing else to do" *the group now pads over to Emeraldeyes*  -Brooklily- "hey we're going to tour the territory u wanna come?" -Emeraldeyes- "i'd love to but i have to watch the kits mabe some other time ok? sorry guys" -Bellaclaw- "it's alright! mabe i can give u a personal tour later" -Emeraldeyes- "sure tht would be awesome!" -Leafstar- *runs over to where the groups was standing* "hey can u guys take another warrior with you? Bramblefire hasen't been out of camp all day and i dont want him going alone because some border patrols scented badger trails so just be prepaired kay?" -Bellaclaw- "of course he can come! an we'll keep an eye out for anything badger-related, thanks for the warning!" -Leafstar- "no problem i should be thank you for getting Bramblefire out, he complains so much when hes confined in any space" *pads away to get Bramblefire* -Bellaclaw- "o my gosh! i didnt even ask if you guys minded! -Brooklily- *imediatly replys* "we dont mind! we dont mind at all!" -Bellaclaw- *looks taken aback* "well ok" -Nightdapple- "really its fine" *turns and stares at Brooklily like shes insane* -Bramblefire- *pads up* "ok lets go, sorry to keep you waiting" -Brooklily- "oh it's fine it's not like we'll die from waiting"

TO BE CONTINUED...           (again)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Adventures (this is new and thx Eden for the idea tell me if u dont like it)

(i hope all u cats will let me do this)

            -Grasskit was carefully stalking a leaf pretending it was a mouse-
GRASSKIT! GRASSKIT! GRASSKIT! -Grasskit practically jumped out of his fur- what Vinekit? i was trying to hunt this leaf! *Brookkit pads up* -Brookkit- "oh yum cuz leaves are so yummy haha" *now Palmkit pads up* "we were just wondering if u wanted to come with us to the new kits and ask them if they wanted to play with us!" "oh, well i guess i can take a break" -others laugh- "WHAT!?!?! i just wanna be a good warrior!" -Larkkit- "oh leave him alone if he wants to hunt leaves all day let him" -Grasskit- "oh lets just go"
               -Vinekit- *pads over to new kits* "hey guys! wanna play with us????" -Hawkkit- *snorts* -Bluekit- *stays completely silent sitting away from her litter mates like Hawkkit* -Lotuskit- "Sure!!!!!!!" -Hawkkit- " ur actually gonna go "play" with them?!?!?!?? this goes against all our rules!!!!!!!!!!!" -Lotuskit- "the only rules we have now are this clan's rules and im pretty sure tht there isnt a rule tht u cant play with other kits!" -Bluekit- "well im not gonna be left out again so ill come" *Emeraldeyes pads up* "you no Hawkkit, you should go play with them to! it will be good for you to relax some, you worry too much for a kit go have fun" -Hawkkit- *says reluctantly* "ok fine ill go" -Vinekit- "YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" -Hawkkit- "but no yelling like tht" -Vinekit- *whispers* "yay!!!!!!!!!"

                -Grasskit- *pads over to where Bluekit sat looking bored* "hey i thought u came to play with us" -Bluekit- "i did" -Grasskit- "then why are you sitting over here? even the creepy 1 is playing even though he always uses his claws in the games which isnt allowed" -Bluekit- *sighs* "i dont no, i was never allowed in the  games at home so i dont no the rules and i dont want to make a fool of my self" -Grasskit- "u could have asked us what the rules were we rnt gonna hurt u for not knowing something nobody knows everything anyways come on ill show you how to play"

Monday, August 8, 2011




 i know there are alot of people on the dawn patrol but tht is fine because both apprentices need experience and both their mentors are going on it. it doesnt really matter if it matter so much tht u have to tell me than ill change it but i dont think it will be a problem.

Thursday, July 28, 2011


first i have an new deputy tht i trust my new deputy is Flamebreeze and we have some new warriors Coppertail, Flamebreeze, Dragongaze, and Reedwhisker also former apprentices are now warriors Sharpmoon, Shinecloud, Pierceclaw, and Bramblefire. (Coppertail and Dragongaze i was not able 2 put on crushes beacuze they are not in this clan comment on this post if u want me 2 put them on here)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Welcome Warriors, Kits, Apprentices, Elders, Queens, Rouges, and Loners Welcome to StreamClan.

Welcome to StreamClan. My name is Leafstar, leader of StreamClan. This clan is of strength, agility, and trust. If you belive that you are all of these, then send a comment saying you gender, your rank (warrior, kit,apprentice,queen, or elder), your personality, a discription of wat u look like (as a cat) and along w/ tht a picture.


Dear inactive cats, if u are inactive for a month than u will be takin off this blog. Inactive cats, also,u can always rejoin. STAY ACTIVE! thanx bunches.

INACTIVE CATS RIGHT NOW: Darkgleam and Mistypaw, u will be takin off this blog

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Leafstar has gotten a sign from StarClan that says " There is one whos is lost, whom you must find, though this kind of lost is not the common kind. You must first find the one who tells pointed stones, then leave into a whole other world, to figure out how to save the lost one. He who knows dark paths." she has left for the mountains and Thornestone is in charge (updates might come slower because of computer problems) Lilyflower, watch for signs from StarClan.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Welcome Warriors, Kits, Apprentices, Elders, Queens, Rouges, and Loners

Welcome to StreamClan. My name is Leafstar, leader of StreamClan. This clan is of strength, agility, and trust. If you belive that you are all of these, then send a comment saying you gender, your rank (warrior, kit,apprentice,queen, or elder), your personality, a discription of wat u look like (as a cat) and along w/ tht a picture.